[. . . ] Manuel d'utilisation Bedienungsanleitung Manuale di utilizzazione User manual Gebruiksaanwijzing Manual de utilizacin Manual de utilizao E FRANCAIS . . GR . Important Prcau INSTAL LATION confor - Assur me appare celle indiqu ez-vous que il. chaleu Installez le e sur l'tiqu la tension-sect r magn importante magntoscop ette d'identificati eur de votre tiques e habita la chaleu ou lectri(chemine. . . de de mmen et 7 cm Laissez 10 t d'espa ale ambiante cet appare des champ cm minim ce autour ne doit il sont sensib s pas dpass um au minimum de dessus pas dpass les pour . [. . . ] When you replace batteries of the remote control, you should re-enter the three-digit code. J Controlling the television set 1 To switch the television set on or off. 4 These keys have the same function as the 15 remote control (when the latter is of our make). to keys corresponding to your television set These two functions are To zoom in/ only available on zoom + television sets of our To zoom out/ 10 make. zoom To switch on* the television 21 set or choose a channel 8 7 and 9 Inactive. 20 Mute 22 To select a SCART socket and watch the pictures of the set connected to this socket. * Key for switching the television on and off depending on the models. J The main functions of your remote control can be found on the vcr front panel. 9 Use Controlling the operation On the display Stop - Tape in stop position - Presence of a tape in the video recorder Play. Programmed recording. Pr Au 1-2 Au 3 Au 4 0 23 SA 09:53 SP LP SLP VIDEO VPS PDC HIFI i 1 2 L TV channel sound and pictures AV1-AV2 - Sound and pictures of a unit connected to the Scart sockets at the rear of the video recorder AV3 - Sound and pictures of a unit connected to the video recorder front side AV4 - Sound and pictures of a unit connected to the cinch sockets at the rear of the video recorder Pictures and sound of a satellite channel. The video recorder transmits the pictures and the sound to the television set. Hi-Fi sound Stereo Left channel Right channel Mono track 01H15M35S Tape counter. The sound type available on the channel or the tape. Display of clock or time: the time elapsed from the beginning of the tape in play or record mode, the time remaining (r) before end of tape on STOP. On the screen With key status (4), you can display the information concerning video recorder operation (tape type, time remaining before end of tape, type of sound, image format, tape speed, channel, time, etc. ). Press this key repeatedly to visualise: The television pictures, the pictures of the video recorder including display of the operating status, the television pictures. . . L counter 00h00m30s remaining 1h24m SP E240 AV2 Stereo 15:20 10 Use Viewing a tape a recordings, view a still J To viewandtape and explore the scenes in thetoaccelerated image retrieve particular play mode, to rewind to the beginning or wind fast forward to the end of the tape. J Jog & Shuttle (outer ring) (on the front side of the video recorder) To view a channel via the video recorder 1 Switch the television set and the video recorder on. The channel picture which has been selected on the video recorder is displayed on the television screen. 3 Use keys 0 to 9 to change channel or the key pr+/pr- (19). GB Viewing a tape Play 1 2 Load a tape Press key PLAY (24). J When the picture is poor, adjust the phase (page 20). If the colour is not reproduced properly, try another standard (PAL, SECAM or MESECAM) selectable in the PICTURE menu (page 21). Accelerated play In play mode, press key REW. (25) repeatedly to change the speed and direction of accelerated play. recorder to manipulate accelerated play. J You may also use the SHUTTLE (outer ring) which is situated on the front side of the video Still image - Pause In play mode, press key PAUSE (28) to pause a picture, and press repeatedly to wind forward image by image. Variable slow motion 1 2 Press the PAUSE (28). (25) to change the speed and direction of slow motion. J The inner knob JOG fitted to the front of the video recorder may also be used to explore an image by image sequence in both forward or backward play. Stop Press key STOP (27) to stop play. Rewind or Fast Forward 1 2 1 2 Press the key STOP (27). Press the key EJECT on the front of the video recorder. Ejection of the tape 11 Use Recording the pictures and the sound of the TV J You can record the pictures and the sound of the unit programmes or connected to one of the available AV sockets. Preparing the recording 1 Load a tape and position it to the desired section where you wish to begin the recording with keys REW. , F. FWD. , STOP, PLAY (23, 25, 27, 24). 2 Select the channel to be recorded with the key pr+ / pr- (19) or the keys 0 to 9 (21), or else select the AV socket to which the unit is connected with key AV (22). J For two-digit channels, first press 0/-- (21) before entering the two digits. 3 Select standard play (SP) or long play (LP) with the key sp/lp (15). J You may also use the inner knob JOG fitted to the front of the video recorder to explore an image by image sequence. Simple recording 1 Press the key REC (26). The video recorder starts the recording. Recording with automatic stop 1 Press key REC (26) twice. 2 Enter current programme end time with keys 0 to 9 on the remote control (21). The recording will automatically stop at the programmed time. S. O. S. Record function enables you to record the programme you are watching on the TV at any time provided that your television set is fitted with the function NexTView Link (or similar) and that you have a tape loaded in the video recorder. This function is not available if the video recorder has already been programmed or is in play mode. Press the key s. o. s. The video recorder switches on and automatically changes over to the same channel as the television set to start recording. Mark a scene with an index J Key index mark (17) of the remote control allows you to mark a scene by setting an invisible electronic index while recording or playing a tape. 1 Start play or recording. [. . . ] 4 Load the blank tape in the other video recorder and select the AV2 socket. 5 Display the SUMMARY menu, select Tape controls option, then the Auto seq. 6 Find the beginning of the first sequence, validate with ok (11), then press key B (8). Select the Start assembling line to begin the editing and validate with ok (11). 24 J This video recorder is not as precise as professional editing equipment. Use Other functions functions explained on this page enable you J Thevideo recorder, play or record continuously. [. . . ]